Tiger Tube
"......The recent development of ‘self-migrating’ Tiger tube is a promising alternative to endoscopically-placed nasojejunal tube. This eliminates the need of endoscopy with its costs and logistic difficulties. The aggressive approach to commence EN would improve outcome in critically ill patients and avoid complications associated with PN. Bedside clinicians can pass the tube into the stomach (which takes around 5-10 minutes) and then wait for the tube to migrate into the jejunum over the next 6-12 hours. This simple procedure potentially reduces the financial and manpower resources implicated in managing critically ill patients. Since it may lower the rate of regurgitation and aspiration, the incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia can be potentially reduced".
Read case report and discussion here
(Enteral Nutrition In Intensive Care: ‘Tiger Tube’ – For Small Bowel Feeding In Acute Pancreatitis. Case Report - Mohd Basri bin Mat Nor. Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Kulliyyah of Medicine, International Islamic University Malaysia.)